Something happened to this kid. Something bad. I don’t think she planned to kill that trucker in Alabama. I think she was running from a bad situation and ran into something worse.

Our killer drugs them so they can’t fight back, and then she sits on their chest so she can watch them slowly suffocate.

Maybe this will lead to a break in this unbreakable case.

Will: It’s personal. Male serial killers don’t care about death. They’re in it for the torture. The death is just a by-product. Women serial killers want to be present at the moment of death.
Faith: Revenge fantasy?
Will: Exactly.

Will: I’m sorry about your friend. I’m going to find out who did this.
Antonio: Not with the FBI here.

Antonio: Oh no, it was great. I’m over Bogart. I’m going to embody James Bond.
Will: The position’s been filled.

Whatever else I find out there, no one replaces you, Ang.

Will: I love seeing where you’re from.
Lucy: There’s a part of you that’s from here, too.
Will: I don’t feel it yet.
Lucy: Give it time. You just got here.

Here’s where it all happened. I blocked it out. I didn’t want to remember.

I want this time to be different, Ang, me and you. I like having you in my life. It just feels right.

Jack was bleeding. Why was Jack bleeding?

I got his gun. I wanted to kill him! OMG, I tried to kill Jack. I shot him. What the hell was I thinking?

Will Trent Quotes

If this case goes sideways, I’m out. If I’m out, who’s going to protect you?


I told him I’d bring my best. I just need you to read the crime scene.
