Jack was bleeding. Why was Jack bleeding?

Faith: You look like James Bond.
Will: The name’s Trent, Will Trent.
Faith: Stupid, real stupid.

If you kill him, I’ll defend you.

Will: You have one dead body, 50 hostages, and you can’t even control your own team.
Dominique: So what do you think I should do?

Jeremy: I saw my mom. She said she needed a pen.
Will: Did she say why? Well, I trust your mom. If she said she needs a pen in the middle of a hostage situation, I’m going to get her one.

Faith: What’s the plan?
Will: Same as always, Mitchell. Stay alive.
Faith: You too.

Will: They were going to kill all of us, and then I’d never see you again. That would kill me twice.
Angie: It’s over. You’re not there anymore. You’re right here. You’re right here with me.

Antonio: Now you’re that guy.
Will: Yeah, I am.

Did she know you worked as a drag queen?

Will: Then you got a threatening call on your personal line. I didn’t get that call. Did you?
Faith: I did not get a call.

Amanda didn’t kill anyone. I was there. Where were you?

If he scares you this much, why are you holding back? Really? There’s more to this you’re not saying, and you and I both know it.

Will Trent Quotes

If this case goes sideways, I’m out. If I’m out, who’s going to protect you?


I told him I’d bring my best. I just need you to read the crime scene.
