He’s alive.

Boo Hag is just the name for the thing that haunts us, and we all have something. Sexual assault, mental illness, addiction, and trauma -- those are real demons.

Will: It’s a personal matter. He’s my uncle.
Percy: Ah, the biological family. I went down that rabbit hole. Sometimes it’s better not knowing.

Will: No offense Pastor, but in my experience, every congregation hides a few liars and hypocrites.
Pastor Reggie: I’m sure you’re right, and I’m truly sorry for that.

Angie: Have you talked to anyone about the explosion?
Will: No.
Angie: I think you should. You can talk to me.

We lost an agent today in the line of duty today, Warden. I thought you’d be more eager to join in the troubleshooting.

James: The world has gone mad. A bombing at the GBI. A dead agent. You don’t think I had anything to do with that?
Will: Car bombs aren’t your style, but you know how things get done in here, don’t you

I don’t have time for games! This is urgent.

Not anymore, Flash. You’re going to die in here.

Will: We’ve been over a while.
Cricket: Are you sad about it?
Will: Agent, what is happening? Are you writing a book about me?
Cricket: No, I’m just asking questions and trying to get to know you.

Will: Are we actually arguing right now about who’s more messed up?
Angie: We don’t have to argue.

Will: That was so…
Cricket: Hot?
Will: Agent Dawson, I would like to take you to dinner, defuse another bomb, and then have sexual intercourse, if that’s all right?

Will Trent Quotes

If this case goes sideways, I’m out. If I’m out, who’s going to protect you?


I told him I’d bring my best. I just need you to read the crime scene.
