Hide and Seek - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

Joe is obviously engaged in a game of hide and seek. What fun! Oh, wait. He's hiding from the bad guys! Be safe, Joe. Be very safe.

Armed and Ready - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

Is this how all crime scene investigators go about their business? I don't think so! Barry better remember he has no powers remaining.

Worried Again - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

Iris spends a good portion of her time worried, and now that Barry has nothing special to protect him as he hunts down the baddies, she'll probably double up on that going forward.

CSI - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

Barry is doing his crime scene investigation. Thank goodness he had a backup career, because being a superhero is no longer on his agenda.

Hands Up! - The Flash

Plain old detecting going on here, since Barry Allen is just a plain old boy now!

In the Know - The Flash Season 2 Episode 18

If it's Earth-1 Wally West, he's about to find out his brother is The Flash. It's probably not the best way to learn this particular family secret!

Earth 1 or 2? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 18

It's hard to tell if it's an Earth-1 or Earth-2 person these days. What's your guess on this Wally West?

Zoom with Wally - The Flash Season 2 Episode 18

Zoom has his hands on Wally West. That can't be good.

Throwing Shade - The Flash Season 2 Episode 18

Barry is throwing some shade over his shoulder, while Caitlin has not changed her stance with her arms crossed. If it's aimed at ZOlOMon, should Barry be turning his back on him?

Sexy Shirt - The Flash Season 2 Episode 18

Iris has on a very sexy shirt. I'm not sure what else to say about that, but along with her pops not having on his suit, they make a nice pair.

One of These Things - The Flash Season 2 Episode 18

One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just isn't the same. Can you guess which one I'm talking about?

Annoyance - The Flash Season 2 Episode 18

Barry seems kind of annoyed. He's still not wearing the tachyon device he was sporting on Supergirl. Where is the darn thing?

The Flash Season 2 Quotes

Iris: People just want to thank man who saved Central City.
Barry: Well they can't, because that's not me. You should know that better than anyone.

Iris: Yeah, but he should go. Someone should try to get through to him.
Joe: Maybe his best friend?
Cisco: Joe, believe me. I have tried!
Joe: I meant her.