What Is This? - The Flash

Is Barry looking at his own grave? Is he getting a look at what could have happened?

What will Happen? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

What will become of Barry Allen? Is this the last time we'll see him as a normal boy? Is it possible he'll change in some way he's never before experienced? Frightening prospect, right?

Two Dads for Support - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Regardless of what Barry decides, his two dads will likely support his decision and be there if things fall apart. After all, it's practically a third dad under which he'll be undergoing the process.

Dads at Odds - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

These two dads are at odds. They do not share the same views on what Barry should be doing. Should he be undergoing a frightening experiment to get his speed force back? One says yes, the other says no.

Number Crunching - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Harry has one of those fancy clear boards that none of us have ever seen in real life, and he's busily crunching the hell out of some numbers. Hopefully, he's already done all of that before he built the accelerator and this is just backup!

Contemplating - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Barry is contemplating. Perhaps his decision to go through with the Frankenstein like trials he's about to undertake in an effort to get the speed force back into his system!

Defensive - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Here Iris almost looks defensive as she stands before Barry. Hopefully this is not where they are discussing her feelings for him. Or, if she is, they are not what we've come to expect. There's still time.

A Woman in Love? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Again, Iris doesn't look like a woman in love. She looks closed off and hardly open to the idea of exploring a relationship with the man who is standing before her. They're not ready.

Time to Talk - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Word is Iris is going to open up to Barry about her feeling about him. If she's feeling romantically inclined, their body language couldn't say less to support that thought. They're miles apart.

A Homemade Particle Accelerator? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Is this what a home made particle accelerator looks like? Where is Barry standing at the moment, anyway? It's kind of a groovy set, that's for sure.

Empty Streets - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

The streets of Central City are rarely packed with traffic. THAT's where you want to work if you are going to have a long commute. Barry didn't even need super speed to get to work on time!

Plan Into Motion - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Barry and Cisco are putting a plan into motion. But what plan and for whom? We'll have to watch to find out.

The Flash Season 2 Quotes

Iris: People just want to thank man who saved Central City.
Barry: Well they can't, because that's not me. You should know that better than anyone.

Iris: Yeah, but he should go. Someone should try to get through to him.
Joe: Maybe his best friend?
Cisco: Joe, believe me. I have tried!
Joe: I meant her.