Rupture is Here - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

This is Rupture. He's a metahuman from Earth-2 who will throw Cisco for a loop. Why? Because he's Reverb's brother, out for revenge. That means he looks just like Cisco's brother. Will that make it hard to take him down?

Advice from Dad #2 - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Barry is seeking advice from Joe, dad number two, about whether or not to subject himself to another trip through a particle accelerator explosion. We've seen the preview. It's happening!

Wally West - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Wally chats with his dad. Maybe he senses the pressure and wants to help the team. He's been around a lot lately, and after the rescue, it would make sense for him to want to step up.

Captain Takes the Lead - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Captain Singh takes the lead. If Caitlin is looming above, should we guess it's Zoom who is trying to take over Central City? Bullets will do no good against that man!

Caitlin's Back! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 20

Caitlin's back, and that can only mean one thing. Zoom is not far away. She appears to be in the police station. What an odd place for Hunter to leave her.

Hands Way Up - The Flash

Everyone is after someone with their guns at the ready. It must be Rupture!

Huffing and Puffing - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

The Flash looks a lot less flashy than usual, almost as if he's huffing and puffing. Barry will only heal at the rate of a regular man, too, so being careful will be a big requirement.

Target Practice - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

Joe's strategically located so that anyone who shoots at him will aim for the target instead of him! That's pretty good thinking, Joe West!

Hey Griffin - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

I'm just going out on a limb here. This must be Griffin Grey, the super strong guy who wants Earth-1 Harrison Wells to fix him. Sadly, there no longer is an Earth-1 Harrison Wells.

Smoke and Rollers - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

There is a lot of fog coming in from behind the rollercoaster. Is it wrong that all I really want is for them to jump on the rides and have a good time? They've earned it, right?

Corkscrew - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

It's doubtful the team is there to enjoy some fun and relaxation the rides. Just how beefed up will Cisco have Barry's Flash suit? Probably not nearly beef up enough.

Vibe Ready - The Flash Season 2 Episode 19

This mission is Vibe ready and Vibe approved. Or something. At least if the baddie drops something, Cisco can touch and vibe. That's a pretty good idea.

The Flash Season 2 Quotes

Iris: People just want to thank man who saved Central City.
Barry: Well they can't, because that's not me. You should know that better than anyone.

Iris: Yeah, but he should go. Someone should try to get through to him.
Joe: Maybe his best friend?
Cisco: Joe, believe me. I have tried!
Joe: I meant her.