A Single Rose - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

The look of devastation on Liz's face pulls at our heartstrings. The rawness of her loss will disappear, but the memory of Tom never will.

With a Cane - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

After being in a coma for nearly a year, it seems logical that Liz would need some sort of therapy. Did she also seek therapy for her mind?

He's Not Coming Back - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

Unless Tom turns into a zombie, the guy isn't going to be coming back to life anytime soon. Seeing his dead body at the morgue was one thing, but this just solidifies the truth that Tom is really gone.

Praying - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

It looks like Liz is doing a bit of praying. After everything that's happened to her in her young life, how much more can she take?

Ready to Go - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

Liz looks ready to go with that backpack by her side, but where is she going? Is she trying to run away from the pain of Tom's death?

Pretty Puppy - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

It looks like Liz has got herself a new dog. Whatever happened to the little pup her and Tom had?

Bang - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

Liz has her sights set on someone, but why is she using a flare gun instead of a real gun? Does she even have a real gun?

On Fire - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

It doesn't take Liz long to get back into the game. When she finally gets her head together, Ian Garvey and friends better watch out!

A Fresh Start - The Blacklist

Liz considers getting a fresh start where no one knows her history on The Blacklist. "Ruin" is the ninth episode of the show's fifth season.

Happier Times - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 8

Tom and Liz at their first wedding when it was all so innocent still.

Tom is Dead - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 8

The doctors can't revive Tom. He lost too much blood.

The Car of Death - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 8

Red watches as Tom and Liz talk about who will take care of Agnes should one of them die.

The Blacklist Season 5 Quotes

Like deep fried butter, I am unhealthy, yet irresistible.


Liz: You're living here?
Red: I make my bed where I lay my head.