Devastation - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

Liz looks a bit concerned coming onto the crime scene. Is this at Pete's place?

Red and Hawkins - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

Hawkins is going to take care of Red no matter what. She's got nothing to lose and everything to gain.

At the Funeral - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

We can only guess this is at Nik's funeral. Will Liz pursue Nik's killer or will she hand the mystery over to Tom? Or Red?

Red's Fascination - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

Red is certainly fascinated with the tall gravestone he's standing by. Is it someone he knows? Does it remind him of a story?

Mr. Bodyguard - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

It looks like Dembe has had enough of hanging around a cemetery. All he wants to do is find the bones and destroy the evidence.

Dembe in the Background - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

Dembe knows what's up even before Red does. Is there a better bodyguard or friend than Dembe?

Talking Openly - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

No one is safe in Red's world, but Nik was truly an innocent. He got roped into something he never wanted to be part of. Will Red spend some time trying to figure out why Nik was killed?

Trying to Comfort - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

Red is probably telling Liz another great story to try to comfort her. Is she blaming herself for Nik's death? Or just blaming Red?

Daddy Doesn't Approve - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

Do you think Red gags everytime he sees Liz and Tom all lovey-dovey? Why is he skulking around a cemetery, anyway?

It's Going to Be Okay - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 5

Is it really going to be okay? When will Liz finally see the light?

Arms of Comfort

Even in the most devastating of circumstances, Tom provides all the support Liz needs to get through.

The Blacklister Lady Season 5 Episode 4

A mother's love knows no bounds except when Red gets in the way.

The Blacklist Season 5 Quotes

Like deep fried butter, I am unhealthy, yet irresistible.


Liz: You're living here?
Red: I make my bed where I lay my head.