Treasure Hunting - The Blacklist

Red goes on the hunt for a legendary treasure on The Blacklist. "Abraham Stern" is the 11th episode of the show's fifth season.

Ressler Means Business - The Blacklist

Ressler is ready to get out from under Prescott's thumb.

Liz on the Hunt - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 10

Liz is on the hunt for Tom's killers and nothing will stop her.

Harold's Sins - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 10

Harold visits Red and learns that Liz is back in town.

Directing the Task Force - The Blacklist

Red directs the Task Force to find a Blacklister who sells sensitive information on The Blacklist. "The Informant" is the tenth episode of the show's fifth season.

Decisions - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

Liz is going to have to pull herself together at some point. She's has a child to raise and a life to live.

Moving On - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

So many thoughts must be going through her mind right here. How will she be able to raise Agnes on her own? How will she survive without Tom? It's heartbreaking to see Liz so sad.

Sleep is the Best Medicine - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

Sometimes there's nothing that can pull you out of a slump. Liz doesn't look like she's recovering very well, but who could after everything that happened?

All Alone - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

Liz may be surrounded by friends, but she's still very much alone. She lost a year of her life and the love of her life. Nothing will ever be the same.

Aram and Samar - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

Aram and Samar look lost. How will the Task Force move forward after this devastating loss? Will Liz even stay on board?

A Gathering of Friends - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

Liz has plenty of support, but no one can really take away the pain. That's something she'll have to get through on her own.

Talking to Her Love - The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9

There's so much to say to loved ones after they've passed. Is she asking him what on earth he so desperately needed to tell her on that horrible day?

The Blacklist Season 5 Quotes

Like deep fried butter, I am unhealthy, yet irresistible.


Liz: You're living here?
Red: I make my bed where I lay my head.