Sayid in Action

Sayid is ready for action in this shot from Lost. It's courtesy of the 5/4/10 episode.

Explosive Photo

The Man in Black with an explosive in his hand? This can't be a good thing.

Lost Boy

Who the heck is the child that continues to pop up on Lost? Jacob? Aaron? Share your theories now!


Hurley took FakeLocke's word that no blood would be shed between camps. Was this a good idea?

Claire Picture

Claire is still crazy. But she's remained in the background for most of season six.

Camp vs. Camp

Widmore's camp meets Sawyer and company on "The Last Recruit." Zoe leads the way for the former.

Frank Lapidus Photo

Who doesn't love Frank Lapidus? The pilot is spotted here in "The Last Recruit."

The Last Recruit Scene

This is a scene from "The Last Recruit." In it, someone is clearly approaching, and threatening, the castaways.

Merged Camps

Jack's camp and Locke's camp are now together. This means more Sawyer and Hurley interaction!

Desmond Meets Hugo

Desmond has some advice for Hurley in the Sideways world of Lost. This scene is taken from "Everybody Loves Hugo."

Desmond, on a Mission

We'll see more of Desmond on the episode "Everybody Loves Hugo." He has a mission in the Sideways world.

Visiting Libby

Hurley is at Libby's grave in this scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Everybody Loves Hugo."

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom