Beach Dwellers

The beach dwellers look on in this scene from "The Package." The episode centers around Jin and Sun.

Frank Lapidus Pic

You've gotta love Frank Lapidus. This is a shot of him from the episode "The Package."

Dangerous Duo

What does Fake Locke want with Sayid? He approaches him in this shot from Lost.

Richard and Ben

Old friends, newer enemies. Richard and Ben both look shocked in this scene from Lost.

Searching for Jin

Where is Jin?!? Sun continues her search on the episode "The Package."

Richard and Sun

Sun keeps trying to find Jin on the episode "The Package." She's seen here talking to Richard.

Ilana and Ben

Ilana and Ben are seen here in "The Package." It's an episode that focuses on Sun and Jin.

Pic of Jack

This is a shot of Jack from the episode "The Package." It's the 3/30/10 episode of Lost.

Jin and Sawyer

Jin continues his search for Sun on the episode "The Package." This is a scene from it.

Run, Zoe

Late in series lore, Sheila Kelley came aboard Lost. She plays Zoe.

Ab Aeterno Scene

Ready for a look into Richard's past? The 3/23/10 episode will reveal it.

Man in Black

Lost fans haven't seen the actual man in black in a long time. But he'll appear on the episode "Ab Aeterno."

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom