Jack's Son

Jack has a son in the sideways world. His name is David and he's seen here on the episode "The End."

Desmond Pic

Desmond holds the key on Lost. He's seen here during a scene on the series finale of this iconic series.

The New Guardian

Jack drank some magic water and Jacob dubbed him just "like" him. Does this mean Jack is really the island's protector now?

Four Candidates

We're down to four candidates. Hurley, Jack, Kate and Sawyer take in the scene during this shot from the 5/18/10 episode of Lost.

Sawyer, Kate and Hurley

This is an image from "What They Died For." Will Sawyer, Kate or Hurley take over for Jacob on the island?

Sawyer and Jack

Sawyer and Jack survey the scene in this shot from "What They Died For." It's the final Lost episode to ever air on a weekday. Gulp!

A Fake Family

Jacob and the nameless man in black are brothers. But this woman is most definitely NOT their mother.

Adam and Eve

Jacob bids farewell to his brother and mother in this scene. They'll later be known as "Adam and Eve."

Future Wheel

The fake mother of Jacob and MIB stands in front of what will become the frozen donkey wheel. She holds the key to all Lost mythology.

Dead Mother

Perhaps the key scene in Lost history, The Man in Black kills his mother. Well, sort of his mother. It's a long story.

Allison Janney on Lost

Allison Janney plays a key role on the Lost episode "Across the Sea." Her character is seen here with Jacob.

An Angry Man in Black

We got deep into the life of The Man in Black on the Lost episode "Across the Sea." He looks anything but happy in this scene from that installment.

Lost Quotes

Find a suitcase. If there's anything you want in this life, pack it in there, because you're never coming back.

Ben [to Jack]

Why there is a dead Pakistani on my couch?

Hurley's mom