Barry's Gotta Gun - The Flash Season 1 Episode 21

Barry looks a little badass with a gun, even if it's probably a dart gun.

Looking for Grodd - The Flash Season 1 Episode 21

Joe West is in the tunnels looking for Grodd because Not-Dr. Wells is rude.

In the Tunnels - The Flash

Joe, Cisco (buckled up for safety!) and Barry looking for Grodd.

Exhausted with Worry - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

Joe is exhausted with worry, but sticking by Barry's side.

Looking On - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

While Joe is looking in on Barry, Harrison has the audacity to roll in.

Barry Goes Down! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

What happened to Barry?! He's down on the ground!

The Police Are Present! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 20

Just to make sure things are done above board, the police are present.

Fast Friends - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Have these two gentlemen become friends. Let's hope so.

Officers - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

From one officer to another. What are they discussing, exactly?

Amused - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe is incredibly amused at Cisco's obvious crush on Laurel.

Lance Looks Surprised - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Lance seems surprised Laurel wants to be a part of the conversation.

Getting Help from SCPD - The Flash Season 1 Episode 19

Joe and Cisco are getting help from Captain Lance at the SCPD.

The Flash Quotes

Cisco: How's it fit?
Barry: It's a little snug.
Cisco: Well, at least you'll be moving so fast no one will see you.

Can I keep the sweatshirt?
