Caught - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Another speculative photo here. Now it looks like Joe is wondering what Patty has been up to. Did he catch her in the act of snooping around? He will protect Barry's life with his own, so she had best be careful. She's not on the inside yet.

The Wests - The Flash Season 2 Episode 7

Whatever is going on here, Iris sure looks tickled pink about it. What does she have up her sleeve, anyway?

Flash Family - The Flash Season 2 Episode 5

Iris, Barry and Joe chat like the family they are. Or something. Not really sure what's going on here, but we'll find out soon enough!

After an Attack - The Flash

It looks like there was an attack and everyone is getting a witness statement from Linda Park. Did Doctor Light attack? Guess we'll find out!

Dark Chat - The Flash Season 2 Episode 4

Barry and Joe chat in the dark. We know Iris "surprises" Joe in some way, but we don't know what that means, exactly. Does Joe take it to Barry to talk it over?

Family Photos? - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Assuming Joe is pondering a decision about his ex and Iris' mother, Francine, has he been looking through old photos? It looks like that's what Barry is holding in his hands, a photo album. What will Joe decide to do about Francine?

A Difficult Decision - The Flash Season 2 Episode 3

Joe is faced with a difficult decision. No doubt it will have come about due to the unexpected visitor who appeared at the end of The Flash Season 2 Episode 2.

Skeptical Joe - The Flash Season 2 Episode 2

You gotta love the look on Joe's face, as he kind of leans back, taking in the full picture of the sudden intrusion into the lab. Yep, there are still people coming into the lab unannounced, after all!

What Happened?! - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Something happened. Was The Flash smashed by the Atom-Smasher? It's never good when Barry ends up in the hospital bed. If he doesn't have Harrison Wells to push him to train to the next level, we're going to need those other Flashes to act as his proxy!

More Concern - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Further proving there is major concern here, we're cutting away to Barry and Joe from another angle. See how worried they are? Imagine the photographer running to and fro grabbing these pics. Capture the concern!

Infiltrated - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

It sure looks like someone has infiltrated STAR Labs again. From the trailer we know that the Atom-Smasher manages to morph his way somewhere. Perhaps it's here? They look none too happy, not a single one of them. And Joe's got a gun drawn again!

The Little Gun - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Never fear, Joe still has his little gun. Why he switched or whether this photo was taken before he grabbed The Big Gun? I guess we'll find out when we watch the episode!

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
