Soaking Some Rays - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Cisco and Joe are just hanging in the sun at this point, soaking up some rays. Whatever point this is in the story, who cares? They look comfortable. Note that Cisco is sporting some Flash colors!

The Big Gun - The Flash Season 2 Episode 1

Joe West ain't foolin' around! Skipping any little pistols in his pockets, he pulls out a very big (and from the looks of it, specialized) weapon to help in taking down the Atom-Smasher. Way to go, Joe!

Gun Up! - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Joe doesn't trust Ray Palmer's nanites to hold Eobard Thawne and his Reverse Flash suit at bay for too long and wisely raises his gun. Cynicism rules!

Entering the Accelerator - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Barry is going into the particle accelerator, which is probably where the man they knew as Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne aka Reverse Flash is being contained. We have to assume he can be contained!

Still at It - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Yes, these have to be welcome back moments, because can you think of another time Eddie would be looking on at a moment like this between Barry and Iris with such warmth? Surely it's fleeting.

Warm Hug - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

We're guessing at the timeline here, but it looks like these photos are right after the fight with Reverse Flash and Barry is being welcomed home, safe and sound.

Casual Friday - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

It's nice seeing Joe out of uniform, but also a little jarring. It's so out of character that you know something extraordinary is about to take place. He's just never at STAR Labs looking like this.

Father Son Chat - The Flash Season 1 Episode 23

Joe and Barry have what will likely be another amazing father son chat about what's next for Barry after kicking the Reverse Flash's ass. What CAN be next? That's the entirety of The Flash finale, I'm sure.

Hunkered Down - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Cisco, Caitlin and Joe hunker down for safety. Good call!

Cold Cocky - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

It could get annoying if Cold is always cocky when he's good.

Special Request - The Flash Season 1 Episode 22

Barry turns to Captain Cold for a special request.

The Search Is On - The Flash Season 1 Episode 21

Imagine if Grodd managed to take out all three of these men. That would suck.

The Flash Quotes

Ramsey: You know, I don't understand you Barry. You march towards death without fear, just like mum. Where is it you get your strength?
Barry: Probably the same place she did, people I love.

Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me The Flash.
