All In - Tracker Season 1 Episode 5
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Velma and Teddi call Colter with a job offer. A teenager, Stephanie, will pay $20K for someone to find a witness to a murder. The witness could help exonerate her father, Clay, who was convicted of killing his business partner, Avery.

Colter meets with Stephanie and her mother, Deborah, and Stephanie tells Colter she got an anonymous message on her fundraiser page from someone saying there was a witness to the murder. Colter decides to take the case.

Consulting with Reenie due to the legal issues, they go over the case together, which includes information about Avery running an underground poker club, which made Clay angry and caused them to argue the night he was murdered.

Reenie wonders if this case is personal for Colter.

Colter visits Clay in prison, and he tells him that while he was angry at Avery the night of the murder, it was because the poker games put their business in jeopardy. He also says Avery was involved with bad people.

Velma and Teddi tell Colter that the burner phone who left the anonymous message for Stephanie got a message about an underground poker game that night.

Colter goes to the location and lifts a chip off a man walking in to grant him access inside. The game is subsequently raided, thanks to a tip from Velma and Teddi, which puts Colter in a holding cell with the other participants so he can figure out who sent the anonymous message.

After ruling all the men out, he discovers a female player sent the message, and she tells him that Mallory was also at the game and she witnessed the murder. Mallory went underground after the killing because the murderer saw her face.

Colter and Reenie meet with Clay, who tells them he met Mallory once, and she drove a muscle car.

Velma and Teddi find Mallory, who went into the wind after the murder. They find she sold her car, and Colter heads to that shop.

Clay gets stabbed in the prison library but survives.

Reenie meets with Clay’s public defender, Grant, who tells her that Stephanie has been emailing updates about her work with Colter. He wants Reenie to keep him in the loop about the case.

Colter goes to the shop where Mallory sold her car, but after the dealer doesn’t help him, he temporarily locks him in the trunk of a truck and finds the information regarding Mallory’s sale.

Reenie calls Colter and tells him she’s worried about him, with Clay’s lawyer knowing his name.

Colter finds Mallory but is knocked unconscious from behind. He wakes, tied up, to Mallory and her Uncle Max, who question him. He explains the situation, and then Mallory tells him she saw Avery murdered by a man named Ceasar.

Colter explains to her with Clay’s stabbing, Ceasar is onto them, and she needs to decide whether she wants to keep running or go to the police. She decides to go to the police with Colter, who says he’ll protect her.

As they make their way there, Reenie calls Colter to tell him that she discovered Clay’s lawyer was also Ceasar’s lawyer and likely tipped him off to what’s happening. But before she can tell him any more information, Grant kidnaps her.

Grant calls Colter and tells him he has Reenie and a location to meet.

Ceasar arrives at the warehouse where Reenie is taunting Grant.

Colter and Mallory go to the warehouse, knowing that Colter’s phone is being tracked. They create a plan to hopefully ambush Grant and Ceasar, but Mallory makes a noise, revealing her hiding spot, and Ceasar starts shooting at her, eventually following her up to the roof.

Reenie gets the drop on Grant while he’s distracted, knocking him out before Colter arrives and heads to the roof. He and Ceasar fight before Colter throws him off the building.

With the new evidence and witness, Colter informs the Porters that Clay won’t return to prison, and he and Reenie say goodbye.

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Tracker Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Reenie: You want my opinion? Clay Porter is guilty. End of story.
Colter: Well, what about him maintaining his innocence?
Reenie: Colter, you may want to sit down for this, but, uh, people who murder often also lie.

Colter: It's hard to hear things about your father, about your husband, that you feel might not be true. I know something about that. My father had a lot of secrets. It was very hard on my mother. It was very hard on all of us.
Stephanie: So, you're taking the job? Right, Mr. Shaw?
Colter: Let me see what I can find out about that witness.