About the Past - The Baker and the Beauty
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Noa shows up at Daniel's apartment to apologize for her manager's behavior the night before. 

They take a stroll on the beach where she informs him that she wished he stayed and invites him to her birthday party later that evening. She says it's more of a business arrangement, so it would be nice to see a familiar face. 

The Garcia family encourages him to find out whether or not there's something there between them. 

Daniel says it's just the effect celebrities have on people. 

The family realizes that thanks to Noa's social media shoutout, they've had their most successful day.

They rejoice as Vanessa looks on upset through the window. 

Daniel talks to Vanessa, who confronts him about his time spent with Noa. He assures her nothing happened between them, and Vanessa urges him not to throw away four years over an embarrassing proposal. 

She suggests that they go to their favorite dinner and see if they can rekindle the romance. If Daniel doesn't show up, she knows she has to move on. 

Daniel agrees, but when he arrives at Noa's birthday event, he gets swept up. 

He learns that Noa hates her birthday because her mother, who is suffering from Alzheimer's, had her worst episode during one of her parties and her father never remembered to attend. 

Daniel vows to change that by throwing her a romantic picnic on the beach. 

The duo goes skinny dipping and kiss. Daniel broke the birthday curse. 

It also caused him to miss his dinner with Vanessa. When she got the voicemail that he wasn't going to make it, she was crushed. 

After all, she purchased new lingerie for him. She tells her assistant that she will win Daniel back and prove that she's the real "happily ever after" and not Noa, who she claims is more of an infatuation. 

Daniel's family gets a large request at the bakery. A notable food critic, Thomas Gold, places a large order. Rafael begins making the goods, but when it comes to putting them in the oven, it craps out. 

They call Daniel to come fix it, but he's busy. When his phone loses service, Mateo steps in. 

He fixes the oven, but it immediately turns off again and the power shuts off. 

The critic comes to pick up his order and they inform him that their over wasn't working and that they only have a few of his pastries. 

He tries one and tells them the column is posted Monday so they should have ovens fixed by Tuesday. 

The family rejoices. 

Natalia, who was out shopping for swimsuits and had an awkward run-in with Vanessa, gets a ride from a friend she made, Emily.

She's smitten. Her mom thinks it's a boy, but Natalie keeps to herself. 

The Baker and the Beauty
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The Baker and the Beauty Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Daniel: It’s always about Mateo.
Mateo: Have you met me?

Look, I know I caught you off guard with that proposal, but we can’t let one moment erase everything we have.
