Exes Toast - Station 19
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Natash's sister shows up to visit her out of the blue.

Jinny and Natasha used to be really close but have since grown distant.

Jinny says she's there to keep Natasha from marrying Sullivan and doesn't have anything good to say about him. She gives him a frosty reception when she meets him.

The crew prepare for a clinic day and a bunch of refugees from South America are bused in to get checked out.

Warren brings Joey in to spend time with him and help work. He's annoyed that joey has quit college and Joey is in a foul mood and keeps talking about how hopeless everything is and the world being on fire and nothing but problems.

Joey assists though and grows attached to a particular case.

A father and son are there and the son is cut badly from razor wire that was in the water when they were coming over.

Maya and Carina have an appointment where Carina gets implanted. They're happy and celebrate.

But while they're working at the clninc, Maya gets news that the sociail worker found Liam's biological father.

Jinny probes and gets all the dirt and gossip about Sulivan and Natasha and keeps telling her she can't marry himi because he previosly broke her heart when he went off and married his first wife.

Natasha has enough of her sister's judgemnt and evnetually tells her to stay out of it and that she will marry him and explains why they're good for each other.

They have a blowout and Natasha says that she doesn't have to come to the engagement party.

Vic spends the day contacting a list of donors for help with Crisis One. She grows frustrated and when Beckett comes in to check on her, she thinks she puts a donor on mute and talks about how bleak it is that they're b asically begging people to care, but she wasn't on mute.

The donor calls her back and offers her the chance to take Crisis One nationwide with a partnership.

Theo and others help setup housing and services for the refugees.

Carina gets invested in helping a young woman who was experiencing some bleeding. She checked her out and heard that she had surgery performed on her without her consent and she didn't know what hapepned.

She had fibroids and the doctor was addressing that but scarring and other things caused issues because he didn't do a great job at the surgery. But she may still be able to have kids.

The engagement party takes place at the Space needle because they're grateful for getting saved.

While arriving at the party, Vic tells Theo about the job opportunity and that she would likely have to relocate to Washington DC. He seems taken aback and wonders what that means for them.

She's surprised because she didn't realize that they were anything and assumed they just had sex. He's hurt and seems to connect with another woman while there.

Theo and Dom continue to hit it off.

Natasha and Jinny make up when she shows up at the party. She says that she and her husband are divorcing and they never had what Natasha and Sullivan had.

Sullivan tries to talk to her again, in Korean this time, and they have a do-ove with Jinny giving her blessing.

Carina and Maya announce that the birth father gave up his rights and the adoption is goirng through. Liam is theirs.



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Station 19 Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

You and your wife took in a baby, that's good, I get that, it's necessary. But you want to create another human being when the world is overpopulated...


Jinny: Hi, Laverne?
Natasha: Shirley. Um...
Jinny: No hugs for your big sister?