Sonny on the Train - SEAL Team
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The SEALs are sent on a train in search of Boukare.

It is a tense mission as they work through the carriage posing as civilians.

Sonny is on the roof trying to get to the front to offer support.

Jason tells them all it will be a pistol mission because they don't want Mandy hurt.

Everyone is shocked, but follow on with the plan.

There are HVTs spread throughout the train, making it difficult for everyone involved to get to safety.

One of the men opens fire and they fight back.

Boukare and his men leave the train.

Sonny has a hero moment that puts him in good standing.

Back at the base Dryden accuses Jason of operational malpractice and the two men come to blows in epic fashion, leading to a big turn of events.

Bravo is removed from the mission because of their connection to Mandy.

Davis checks Dryden's computer and finds that Mandy's files are redacted.

She gives Jason a mini router to collect all the information she can from the people who might have Mandy.

Jason begs to go on the mission as support and Dryden agrees. As they delve into the city, the gunfire stops and people petrol bomb the cars from above.

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SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Sonny: Maybe she was disavowed?
Clay: What does one have to do to be disavowed?

Didn't Butch Cassidy blow the train up?

Sonny; Always wanted a Butch Cassidy moment. Person