Mission To Africa - SEAL Team
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Jason tries to be a father because he's worried his daughter is making the wrong move.

She finds pills for memory loss and he lies and says it was a free sample.

Brad says he wants to become a SEAL and Jason says he will never be one.

He is called to work after a bombing. The whole gang heads to Africa and find their mission compromised by some bad information.

They go through a battle for survival and Jason finds a photo of Mandy, revealing she is a prisoner of war, so the gang's mission changes.

Davis goes on a date and Sonny is unimpressed because he still feels like they would work together. Davis says they need to move on.

Clay is happy about becoming a father, but he bumps into his own father and realizes they are very similar.

Ash reveals he has cancer after Clay notices there is something different about him.

His father believes he will see how difficult it is to raise a child and be a SEAL, something Clay resented about his father.

Sonny is struggling to be away from his daughter and checks out the camera and asks if she's okay. This does not sit well with her mother.

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SEAL Team Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Ash: Now you'll know what it's really like.
Clay: What are you talking about?

I don't want your sympathy.
