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A pregnant inmate is brought into the hospital, and she wants to hold off on having her baby so that she can be with her baby instead of it being taken away from her. 

Max promises to help her. Lauren demands that she is unshackled. 

She has the baby, and Max scrambles to come up with a plan for her. 

The Dean of Medicine calls Max into the office and tells him that he's' fired. Max takes it in stride and it seems to be a joke. The Dean doesn't know how to handle all of the changes Max has made. Max reminds him that he will make the hospital better and money and good press. 

Georgia is being released from the hospital, but she tells Max that she wants to go to Connecticut to be with her parents. Max tries to talk her out of it, and she eventually caves by the end and agrees to stay with him. He promises to take care of her. 

A man is found naked and digging up a grave. He's brought into the hospital and Iggy tends to him. The man can't feel his arms and believes that he is dead. He disappears in the hospital and Iggy and Kapoor have to track him down to find him. 

The man claimed he was digging up his fiancees's grave, or they assumed that, but his fiancee comes in alive looking for him. They find him in the morgue. 

They figure out that he thinks he's dead and that his issues may be neurological too. 

Lauren notices that Floyd has black women as most of his staff. He tells her that he'll do whatever it takes to help women in color in the field. 

Max has to show around a potential donor so that she'll donate a few million dollars to the hospital. She's a real character, but she eventually is persuaded to follow her own issues and not her dead husbands. She donates to Rikers. It helps the pregnant patient to be with her child for some time. 

Max finally goes to Helen and tells her he's ready for his treatment because he wants to be there for his family. 

It is a boost for Helen who spends the day being judged and accused of not being devoted to her patients. 

New Amsterdam
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New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Dean of Med: You have six months.
Max: Give me three.

Max: Dean!
Dean of Medicine: You're fired. You're fired.
Max: OK.
Dean of Medicine: I said you're fired.
Max: And I said, OK.