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Jared Connors, a Marine corporal who is an amateur race-car driver, is killed in a crash. Pride dropped off a gift case of liquor from Javier Garcia at the FBI office and meets Assistant U.S. Attorney Hannah Lee, who is heading the Cuidad Natal investigation. Lee tells Gregorio that she can't help out NCIS. Connors' father Russ and his girlfriend Dana are hiding something. Loretta reveals that Connors had been stabbed a few days before the crash. LaSalle and Percy find $100,000 cash in Connors' garage. Melody comes into the office with Tucker's real father Darrell, who punches LaSalle. The money in Connors' garage came from a Biloxi bank robbery. Sebastian tells LaSalle the race car was hacked to cause the crash. Christopher storms off after Melody texts him that she's leaving. She tells him Darrell is abusive. Gregorio and Hannah have a romantic history, from after she left New Orleans the first time. Gregorio found a series of robberies that match the M.O. of the Biloxi robbery, linked to the racing circuit. LaSalle has gone off the grid and confronts Darrell. Dana was the getaway driver on the heist crew, and the money was her cut. LaSalle finally calls in and Pride sends him to pick up Dana. He finds blood but no Dana. Patton discovers there's a robbery planned for that day. Pride confronts LaSalle about his behavior. Gregorio helps the team figure out that a Federal Reserve truck might be the target. The team interrupts the robbery, then LaSalle and Percy go in pursuit. Dana puts the car into a spin, then they capture the other robber. Gregorio admits to Hannah that she wants to stay in New Orleans. LaSalle has Darrell arrested for outstanding warrants and assaulting him. 

NCIS: New Orleans
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NCIS: New Orleans Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Percy: At least LaSalle is trying to do the right thing.
Pride: I wish it didn't affect his work so much. We're undermanned as it is.

Gregorio: They don't call it NOLA down here. They prefer New Orleans.
Pride: Glad to see we made an impression on you, Gregorio.
Gregorio: Oh, absolutely.