"October 20, 2008"

Emily insists that Dusty and Meg did not conspire against Paul. Bonnie lays into Derek for disappearing and not calling her. Derek tell...

"October 17, 2008"

Janet calls Henry to apologize again. Jack finds out the truth from Henry and realizes his gaff. He vows to find the mugger and follows...

"October 16, 2008"

Katie insists to Brad that she knows the new gal tried to poison her. Brad doesn't believe her but then backs off. Henry interrupts and...

"October 15, 2008"

Emily reluctantly agrees when Dusty asks her to make sure Meg is okay. Dusty has a laugh when Paul offers an apology for his scheme. Pa...

"October 14, 2008"

Katie confides in Kim that Spencer is interested in Brad. Brad returns to the studio with Spencer who offers Katie some sesame chicken. ...

"October 10, 2008"

When Vienna meets Spencer at the station, she warns Katie about trusting the young new TV host. Katie insists that Spencer is not intere...

"October 9, 2008"

Casey opens up to Margo about how much he was hurt by Emily. Meg thanks Dusty for taking care of their problem. Susan orders Dusty to s...

"October 8, 2008"

Brian stops by to show Luke and Noah new brochures for Luke's foundation. He hears they've got a booth reserved for the campus gay film ...

"October 7, 2008"

Dusty takes Emily upstairs to talk about her feelings. A Stenbeck family bible is delivered to his room accompanied by a letter in Swedi...

"October 6, 2008"

Kim introduces Spencer to Brad and Katie and explains she's hosting "Oakdale 411. " Kim asks Brad to be Spencer's co-host. Brad doesn't ...

As the World Turns Quotes

Noah: You know if I do stay here, I do have one condition
Luke: Oh yeah? Whats that?
Noah: You better not hog all the covers.

Noah: Do you just not like me?
Luke: No, I like you Noah.
Noah: Then why do you keep pushing me away?
Luke: Because...I like you Noah.
Noah looks surprised.
Luke: Yeah, like that.