"December 11, 2008"

Henry and Brad trick Jack into going to Yo's where Luke, Brian, Holden and Noah join them for Jack's bachelor party. Brad's surprise str...

"November 13, 2008"

Luke tells Noah he was standing up for democracy but Noah claims there is no excuse for cheating in the election. Luke accuses Noah of b...

"October 30, 2008"

Emily forces Alison to tell her about the attack and how she was trying to help Luke's campaign. Margo explains to her son that if they ...

"October 29, 2008"

Margo chastises to rookies for arresting a couple of kids, while Mark and his masked cronies take a frightened Alison back to the dorm. ...

"October 28, 2008"

Lucinda hints that Halloween's not the same without Lily's kids. Brian takes her ice skating, then kisses her and when she downplays it,...

"October 27, 2008"

Henry spies Spencer by the diner, talking with a stranger assures her she'll have "it" soon. Katie and Brad are still not talking, while...

"October 24, 2008"

Liberty wakes Janet. Carly convinces Jack to open the champagne, and as they drink and eat, Janet explains why she won't be there tonight. The two continue with their eating and drinking until they almost ki...

"October 23, 2008"

Carly makes her presence known and interrupts the proposal. Jack backs away from Janet and Carly claims she doesn't belong there. After...

"October 22, 2008"

Liberty warns her mother not to make a mistake. Holden offers Jack advice on his relationship with Janet. Confronting Jack, Liberty war...

"October 21, 2008"

Katie urges Vienna and Henry to end the investigation of Spencer. Vienna refuses and mentions the locked suitcase they found. Katie dec...

As the World Turns Quotes

Noah: You know if I do stay here, I do have one condition
Luke: Oh yeah? Whats that?
Noah: You better not hog all the covers.

Noah: Do you just not like me?
Luke: No, I like you Noah.
Noah: Then why do you keep pushing me away?
Luke: Because...I like you Noah.
Noah looks surprised.
Luke: Yeah, like that.