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When leaving Los Angeles, Carrie has Layla pull off on the outskirts of town. Carrie wants them to jump from a cliff. Layla awakes, flashing back during a nightmare. Spencer catches up Corey on his life. He flashes back to the championship game. Grace tells Spencer Coop has been shot. In the present, Spencer refuses to sign his commitment letter to Toledo State, the only scholarship offer he has received. A well-meaning J.P. is smothering Layla. Spencer's friends and family hold an intervention for him. Layla and Jordan talk about their relationships with their fathers. She admits she keeps flashing back to that night. Darnell shows up for Spencer. In a flashback, Preach explains to Spencer and Patience what happened and tells them that Mo is dead and that he'll be going back to prison. Led by Jordan, Beverly won the championship. At the hospital, Spencer's friends show up to support him. Coop is in a coma after surgery. Layla uses Jordan as an alibi without telling him first so J.P. blindsided him. Jordan urges her to tell J.P. the truth. Layla talked Carrie into going back to rehab. Layla and J.P. talk honestly. Layla informs him that she doesn't feel safe in a home of which he's a part. Coop wakes up after three days and pretends to have amnesia, to get Spencer going. J.P. lets Layla move in with the Bakers. Spencer goes to see Billy because he still can't sign his commitment letter. Billy tells Spencer that he believes that Crenshaw won the game and the referees the call wrong. They get into it over Jordan. Billy informs Spencer that Spencer is afraid his friends and family will get along without him. Coop covers for Preach with a detective. Spencer signs his letter at Corey's grave.


All American
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All American Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Layla: Sorry. Sorry, it's just a bad dream. I'm fine.
J.P.: Are you?
Layla: I am. I promise.

Layla: We should probably get going.
Carrie: There's nowhere else to go. This is it.