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A mom blogs her son’s birthday party and is pinned to a barn after the springs on the trampoline fly off and impale her.

Denny questions Hen and Karen about whether or not they will have to give him up one day like they have to give up Nia. Later, they give Nia back to social services so she can be reunited with her mom.

Chimney returns to work, while Maddie stays home with the baby and helps looks after Albert. The next day they switch, and Mrs. Lee stops by for a visit.

Athena finds out that May is talking to her high school bully and is not happy about it. May flees to Michael’s and later listens to Athena’s 911 call the day she found May after her overdose.

Chimney and Hen respond to a call from a woman dying of cancer. She has intentionally overdosed and has a DNR signed, though she calls the paramedics so they will be there with her daughter when she passes.

Karen finds Nia’s birth mother through a private investigator, and she and Hen realize Nia will be okay. They then decide to continue fostering children.

Chimney asks Mrs. Lee for help, and she takes Albert in so he and Maddie have less on their plate.

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9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 10 Quotes

Denny: You're not my real moms. Are you gonna have to give me back, too?
Hen: Denny, we are your real moms. We're your moms in every way that matters. And no one is ever taking you away from us.

Oh! I am monetizing parenthood!
