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At 42 weeks pregnant, Maddie and Chimney try different things to induce labor. Although she has Braxton Hicks, Maddie doesn’t go into labor and goes to work.

Hen and Karen struggle with reuniting Nia and her biological mother.

Maddie gets a 911 call from a young child in a car with his mother, who is driving erratically. She eventually gets on the freeway going in the wrong direction and causes a multi-vehicle crash with multiple casualties.

The 118 are able to save both the mother and son and Athena discovers alcohol inside the vehicle. The mother is later revealed to have a BAS that is four times the legal limit.

May receives a 911 call from Albert, and it’s revealed that he was involved in the freeway crash but not in the major pile-up. The 118 rescue him in time, and he is treated at the same hospital Maddie is at when she goes into labor.

After the stress of the day, Bobby goes to an AA meeting.

Albert wakes up in the hospital with Chimney at his side, and Maddie names their baby girls after Chimney’s mother.

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9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 9 Quotes

Bobby: Maddie still having false labor?
Chimney: I know kids are supposed to test your patience, but I thought she'd at least wait until she was out of the womb.

Hen: What are our options?
Deidra: For?
Hen: For protecting Nia.