Mrs. Dickinson: It’s been three weeks, Edward.
Edward: Well, I’ve been busy.
Mrs. Dickinson: Well, I’m tired of you being busy. Our children are all grown up now. This is the time we’re supposed to rediscover the passionate days of our youth. The days it wasn’t just the cattle show. It was Christmas and Easter too. Do you remember how adventurous we used to be? That time we conceived Lavinia in the middle of the day. Or that time we put a new quilt on our bed and pretended we were in a hotel.
Edward: You looked beautiful on that quilt.
Mrs. Dickinson: Why don’t we do that anymore?
Edward: What can I say? We got old.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 4: "The Daisy follows soft the Sun"
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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Lavinia: It’s not working.
Ship: Just give me a second.
Lavinia: It’s like not doing anything.
Ship: Maybe that’s because we shouldn’t even be doing this.
Lavinia: What do you mean? You’re not enjoying yourself?
Ship: No I am enjoying myself. I’m enjoying myself too much. It shouldn’t be like this. It’s totally improper.
Lavinia: Yeah.
Ship: No, I’m trying to follow etiquette, do it the polite way, but every time I try to give you a simple kiss on the hand, you push me back into bed. I don’t know. Honestly, I’m starting to feel kind of used.
Lavinia: Excuse me?
Ship: I hate it when women make me feel like this. Like they just want me for my body.

Maggie: What’s the matter dear?
Emily: I can’t write.
Maggie: Oh blimey, I never thought I’d hear you say that.
Emily: Ever since I gave him one of my poems.
Maggie: Gave you?
Emily: Mr. Bowles. Two weeks ago I submitted. Ugh, that’s an awful word. Submission, like he controls me, like he’s my master.
Maggie: Some people get a kick out that sort of thing.