Emily and Edward - Dickinson Season 2 Episode 4
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After giving her poem to Sam, Emily suffers from writer's block.

She goes birding with Edward, but it doesn't help.

She then tags along with American landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted to find inspiration.

Emily and Frederick talk about getting lost, and Frederick encourages Emily to take back her power.

Afterward, Emily does get lost, and Sam "rescues" her, telling Emily he'll be publishing her poem.

Edward falls into a hole, and Mrs. Dickinson takes advantage of the opportunity to discuss her displeasure with him.

Mrs. Dickinson wonders what happened to them, and Edward says they got old.

Mrs. Dickinson also expreses her frustration over the lack of communication and after the conversation, she leaves Edward in the hole.

Mrs. Dickinson is upset about Edward moving the Newman girls into their home, so Austin agrees to adopt them.

Sue isn't happy by this development, but Austin says this allows him to be a father without breaking his promise to Sue not to ask her for a baby.

Ship tells Lavinia he can never fall for a girl like Lola Montez, which is why he came to Amherst for her.

He later proposes to her, and Lavinia reluctantly agrees.

Lavinia later tells her parents she's not sure she wants to get married.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Lavinia: It’s not working.
Ship: Just give me a second.
Lavinia: It’s like not doing anything.
Ship: Maybe that’s because we shouldn’t even be doing this.
Lavinia: What do you mean? You’re not enjoying yourself?
Ship: No I am enjoying myself. I’m enjoying myself too much. It shouldn’t be like this. It’s totally improper.
Lavinia: Yeah.
Ship: No, I’m trying to follow etiquette, do it the polite way, but every time I try to give you a simple kiss on the hand, you push me back into bed. I don’t know. Honestly, I’m starting to feel kind of used.
Lavinia: Excuse me?
Ship: I hate it when women make me feel like this. Like they just want me for my body.

Maggie: What’s the matter dear?
Emily: I can’t write.
Maggie: Oh blimey, I never thought I’d hear you say that.
Emily: Ever since I gave him one of my poems.
Maggie: Gave you?
Emily: Mr. Bowles. Two weeks ago I submitted. Ugh, that’s an awful word. Submission, like he controls me, like he’s my master.
Maggie: Some people get a kick out that sort of thing.