Austin: I’ve got amazing news.
Sue: What is it?
Austin: Clara and Ana Neuman, my adorable little cousins, they’re going to come and live with us, here at the Evergreens. Isn’t that wonderful?
Sue: What are you talking about?
Austin: I’m talking about making a home for these poor children. You can adopt cousins, can’t you?
Sue: Austin, you didn’t even ask me. I don’t want them here.
Austin: Sue, they’ve got nowhere to go. They’re orphans, homeless, like you were before you became a Dickinson.
Sue: Just what I want: Two living breathing reminders of my terrible past.
Austin: Sue, have a heart.
Sue: Why do you want them here?
Austin: Because I want a child.
Sue: Austin…
Austin: I want a child, and I promised you I would never ask you to have one, so this is a chance for me to be a father to these girls and keep my promise to you. So I think you owe it to me to be excited about it.
Sue: Well, it sounds like you’ve made your mind up. I guess it’s settled.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 4: "The Daisy follows soft the Sun"
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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Lavinia: It’s not working.
Ship: Just give me a second.
Lavinia: It’s like not doing anything.
Ship: Maybe that’s because we shouldn’t even be doing this.
Lavinia: What do you mean? You’re not enjoying yourself?
Ship: No I am enjoying myself. I’m enjoying myself too much. It shouldn’t be like this. It’s totally improper.
Lavinia: Yeah.
Ship: No, I’m trying to follow etiquette, do it the polite way, but every time I try to give you a simple kiss on the hand, you push me back into bed. I don’t know. Honestly, I’m starting to feel kind of used.
Lavinia: Excuse me?
Ship: I hate it when women make me feel like this. Like they just want me for my body.

Maggie: What’s the matter dear?
Emily: I can’t write.
Maggie: Oh blimey, I never thought I’d hear you say that.
Emily: Ever since I gave him one of my poems.
Maggie: Gave you?
Emily: Mr. Bowles. Two weeks ago I submitted. Ugh, that’s an awful word. Submission, like he controls me, like he’s my master.
Maggie: Some people get a kick out that sort of thing.