Maggie: I must be off my game. I missed a few things. I thought you were gay and not orthodox.
Maleka: Why can't I be both? I'm what you call an orthodyke.

You don't meet girls worth waiting for everyday, so when you do, you wait.


OK, put that quality batter back in the fridge and find a bad pancake.


Bryce: I offended them. Why?
Liza: You just said you wanted to reduce a century of literary distinction down to an app.
Bryce: And that's offensive how?

Charles: Something's different about you. I can't quite put my finger on it.
Diana [to herself]: Oh, you can put your finger on it.

Liza: Good morning, Bryce. What are you doing at my desk?
Bryce: Personal work spaces are antiquated and restricting. At all my other companies we hot desk.
Liza: Hot desk?
Bryce: Yes. Everyone can sit wherever they want whenever they want. It fosters equality which in turn boosts productivity.

Lauren: It's the least I can do since she's been twinned.
Maggie: Oh no, twinned is two girls on the same dildo.
Lauren: Really?

Construction Manager: Hey, slow down.
Diana: I don't need to slow down. What I need is peace. What I need is privacy.
Construction Manager: What you need, is to get fucked.

Liza: Hey, I thought you wanted to Netflix and chill tonight.
Josh: Babe, you know that means sex, right?

Josh: She's so cute when she nerds out over books, isn't she?
Liza: This is about more than books. If this hits, she can finally be who she really is and stop pretending every day.

He's already told his mother about me. I should end it. Or...should I run over to the hospital and blow him in the call room?


Liza: 'Hungry Tech Titan Feeds on Publishing House.' That's not good.
Diana: Thank you, Miss Marple.

Younger Season 3 Quotes

I'm not sure which is more stressful, being a bride or a widow.


Diana: That's a beautiful tie, by the way.
Charles: Thank you. The salesgirl who picked it out really gets me.