Shelly: So, how did this happen, Josh?
Josh: Well, she wasn't all done up like this. She was dressed way down, and she wasn't really trying to impress anyone. She didn't have to. She was smart and sexy. I would have believed anything that she said. I just wanted to keep talking to her. Plus, I was wasted. Okay? And it was like really dark.
Liza: You liar.
Josh: Oh, really? I'm the liar?

Diana: Liza has been lying about her age and everyone knew except me.
Enzo: Really? Well, how old is she then?
Diana: She's 42.
Enzo: Huh. She looks good. I just mean she had me fooled too.

Diana: I've got big news and I wanted to share it with you first since I am your work wife. Just your work wife, of course, despite the salacious gossip in the bullpen. I'm going to be someone's real wife, I'm engaged to Enzo.
Charles: That's wonderful, Diana. Congratulations.
Diana: Do I have your blessing, Charles?
Charles: Sure?

Zane: Ah, Diana Deluca. That's better than Trout.
Diana: I'm keeping Trout.

Liza: You mean like maid of honor stuff?
Diana: If you want to promote yourself to that, fine.
Liza: Diana, I would love to be your maid of honor!

Josh: Look, I know you're with him, but I'm glad we can still spend time together like this.
Liza: Yeah, me too. You know, I've been reading a book that reminds me of us.
Josh: Really? Tell me more.
Liza: It's about a younger man who has an affair with an older woman.
Josh: An affair? Huh. Sounds racy.
Liza: It actually is pretty sexy in parts.
Josh: Oh, I bet it is. So how does it end?
Liza: Well, that's the big question. The writer didn't finish the book.

Liza: My worlds are colliding, and it all feels strangely familiar.
Maggie: I get it! It's like you only had chocolate ice cream for 20 years and then you got divorced and tried all these new flavors -- pistachio, guava, cookies and cream -- and now it's like you're with chocolate chocolate chip.
Liza: But I like chocolate.
Maggie: Sure, better than vanilla.

Liza, the summer I turned 21 I had an affair with the wife of a famous author. She was beautiful but dissatisfied. She was always looking over her shoulder, and she thought that a fling with a younger man would make her feel young, too. And for a while, it was exciting for both of us. That's the part you read.


Kelsey: After looking over your current acquisitions, I feel that this book would be much better suited as a Millennial title.
Zane: You lost that book! You can't just poach it because you want it!
Kelsey: It's just a better fit for Millennial. A story about a young woman who may or may not be a killer? It's a real-life Gone Girl.

Kelsey: Hey, Charles, before you leave. I finally found a book that I'm excited about from you.
Charles: Really? Which one?
Kelsey: Liza slipped it to me. She found it in one of her old boxes from Pound Ridge?
Charles: Can I see that?
Kelsey: It reads like a more sophisticated Nicholas Sparks. Can you find a writer and make a deal with him to finish it?
Charles: It's really not something that I'm interested in pursuing.
Kelsey: As publisher, I am.
Charles: And as the author, I most certainly am not.

Charles: I think we'll be stronger together.
Kelsey: Welcome home, Charles.

Liza: I think we just found our seasoned slut.
Diana: Stop.
Liza: Sorry.

Younger Quotes

It's like Goodnight Moon for adults. With blow jobs!


Wow. If she was OK with the sex change, maybe this won't be such a big deal.
