Author: With matters of the heart, be clear and direct. Write them a 'Dear John' letter.
Diana: Isn't that a little old fashioned? I mean, do millennials even know how to hold pens?

Kelsey: There's so many of them.
Lauren: Yeah, that's because this is an issue that affects so many girls. I mean, imagine having rampant hormones and being on the verge of womanhood in this era. There are no men in here for a reason. They would tear their pussy-grabbing limbs off like a pride of lionesses.
Kelsey: Terrifying pep talk. Thanks.

I'm going to get back to work, but seriously Josh, unload on me.


Josh: Then just say it. Just say it. Say you love him more than you love me.
Liza: Is that what you need to hear?
Josh: Yes.
Liza: Then fine. I love him more.
Josh: You know, you forget Liza. I know you. I know when you're lying, especially to yourself. You wrote a letter to the wrong guy.

Liza: She got the money, honey. And that is why you have a job. That is why we all have a job. She's a goddamn hero.
Lauren: Told you. Shero.

The problem with memories is they lock us in the past, and we both need to move forward. As much as I want you in my life, I can't right now. And I hope you understand why.


Charles: It made you get on a plane to fly out here. I think that's what we need to talk about.
Liza: I just didn't want you to see it and wonder.
Charles: Yeah, I don't have to see that to wonder. Everybody's got a past. But, in order to have a future, you move on from it.
Liza: Some people. Other people live in the past in order to have a future.
Charles: Mmm. Is that what you want to keep doing?
Liza: No. It's too complicated. And that last-minute plane ticket was really expensive. I'm not going to see Josh anymore.

You're going to be so smart, baby girl. You're going to go to Google daycare and then just skip straight to college.


Liza: I don't know about you, but I didn't know what I wanted in my twenties.
Diana: Oh, you mean two weeks ago?

I think this is crazy. She lied to you, made you all complicit, and now, it's threatening your business. But you want to let her get away with it allowing her to endanger the company. You're refusing to put out a very preventable fire. Write her a nice recommendation and get her out before she poisons the whole company.


Well, you want some tea, Shelly? Everyone is pretending to be younger. We dye our hair, we whiten our teeth, we wear moisturizing face masks that make us look like serial killers, and we squeeze our widening hips into Spanx because the most important thing to be in the whole goddamn world is 27. Should I have told the truth? Sure. But you know what? So should you. Millennial isn't an age, it's an attitude. And if you can't sell that, we'll go somewhere else.


Kelsey: I've brought a peace offering.
Zane: You're going to cook? Do you know what a peace offering is?

Younger Quotes

It's like Goodnight Moon for adults. With blow jobs!


Wow. If she was OK with the sex change, maybe this won't be such a big deal.
