Burn them. And ban the snow from falling. I will have nothing white in England.

Henry [holding York heraldry banners]

Elizabeth: Lady Margaret.
Margaret: My Lady the King's Mother, now. I am called "Your Grace" and I receive a royal bow.
Elizabeth: Indeed. [Remains standing tall] Does it bring you the joy you hoped it would?
Margaret: It is God's will. It is God who put my Henry on the throne,
Elizabeth: And God who puts my daughter on the other throne beside him.
Margaret: She is not made Queen yet.

John de la Pole [at the reconciliation ceremony]: I pledge my allegiance to you, my Grace.
Cecily, Dowager Queen Mother: I do not. You are not the king, in law nor in God's eyes. And while you may have killed my son and stolen his crown, you are descended from a servant.

Now girls, please listen. Smile sweetly to their faces, but know them for the Tudor spies they are and do not lose your tongues when they are near.

Elizabeth [to her daughters about the Tudor ladies in waiting]

And that is want you want for me, even now? I am to be the spoils of war, the wife of a marauding madman whose mother even murdered children just so he could snatch the crown.

Lizze [to Elizabeth about Henry]

Perhaps he does not need me as he means to wed his mother.

Lizzie [about Henry, after hearing Margaret of Anjou has taken the Queen's rooms]

It's intended as a show of strength. But it only goes to show his weakness if he stoops to bully girls.

Elizabeth [about Henry "capturing" the York women]

I will walk through my sorrow and I will smile through my pain. I will pretend to be a dutiful wife, but only to their faces. He is my enemy, and so is his mother. I will fight him from within my marriage, and they will not even know it. I will plot to bring my brother back, or, if he is gone, another who will kill this monster Henry Tudor. Humble and penitent may be damned. Hidden and patient -- that will be my motto.


Elizabeth: Today, you will marry a king.
Cecily: In a dress fit for a harlot.
Lizzie: Today, I am a whore and martyr, because that is what he has made me.

You need do nothing. Except consent, and look delighted. England needs a joyful bride. All else...will be arranged by me.

Margaret [planning the wedding after Lizzie announces she is pregnant]

Lizzie [about Henry and Margaret]: Can't you kill them both? Put a sickness on them so they die in awful pain?
Elizabeth: I cannot do that. I know my curses, but perhaps they're just wishful thinking. Perhaps I just take good luck and call it magic. My powers cannot be very strong if we find ourselves as we are now, with my son lost again and this [nods at the mandrake root Lizzie was planning to take] before us.

Lizzie: All I have wanted, all my life, is to marry a man for love.
Elizabeth: You know, my Lizzie, that a girl of your nobility cannot do that.
Lizzie: You did.
Elizabeth: I had the good sense to fall in love with a king of England.
Lizzie: So did I.

The White Princess Quotes

It's intended as a show of strength. But it only goes to show his weakness if he stoops to bully girls.

Elizabeth [about Henry "capturing" the York women]

Burn them. And ban the snow from falling. I will have nothing white in England.

Henry [holding York heraldry banners]