Henry: Everywhere I look around me, nobles conspire against me. Servants slip each other notes. They smile into my face and then behind me draw their knives.
Lizzie: Well, that is what it is to be king.

Lizzie: [about Henry]: If I have to hear about his years in exile one more time, I think I will choke him with the pheasant legs he has such a taste for.

If only we could work together, we could be a *king* for England.

Henry [to Lizzie]

Henry: You make it look so easy. You know just what to do to make them love you.
Lizzie: You reap what you sow, Henry. You rule with fear, and you will only get dissent and hatred in return. You take before a man will give, and you will never win him. No matter what he may pretend.

Lizzie [about Teddy's imprisonment]: Cecily, he is our cousin.
Cecily: And Henry is my brother-in-law, and king. So if I must choose within my family, I'd rather choose the side I'm afraid of.

Your moves are far too obvious. He knows already that it was you who sent Lovell in with a knife. You will have us all thrown under lock and key, and how will that help York? Or victory?

Lizzie [to her mother]

Lizzie [on the plan to get rid of Henry]: He does not have to die at all. We can remove him from the throne and send him back to where he is come from.
Elizabeth: Send him back? And he'd just...obey? Go, would he? Find a peasant wife in Flanders, realize that's what he wanted all along. Maybe take up embroidery?!

Bishop Morton [as guards break into the treasury on Lizzie's command]: Stop! This is robbery, and treason.
Lizzie: Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy.
Morton: Thou shalt not steal. And this gold is the king's.
Lizzie: It is our royal duty to provide. As you well know, as you served on my father's council.
Morton: You are not crowned queen, and have no jurisdiction.
Lizzie: Unless you plan to hold me down, I shall do it anyway.

If you spent less time flirting with my Uncle Jasper, perhaps you might give better counsel.

Henry [to his mother]

This are different times, Eliza, and we must learn to change, or die.


Lady Margaret: And how is your mother? How is she? It must be hard for her, now, in my shadow. Hard for her to lose.
Cecily: Oh, my mother doesn't lose. She always finds a way to win.

Elizabeth: Your smile is almost convincing.
Lizzie: My face aches from it.

The White Princess Quotes

It's intended as a show of strength. But it only goes to show his weakness if he stoops to bully girls.

Elizabeth [about Henry "capturing" the York women]

Burn them. And ban the snow from falling. I will have nothing white in England.

Henry [holding York heraldry banners]