Rick: I'm looking for my family.
Shane: Oh is that what you're doing? Looking for your family, huh? See that's not entirely the truth. One could argue it's my family that you're looking for, right? How is my baby girl, by the way? She's got my eyes, doesn't she?

Negan deserved to die when it ended. Rick was wrong because he made a call that wasn't his to make. I just want to make sure that you're not wrong in the same way that he was.


Oh, you're not scared that you're like me... you're scared that you're going to end up like me.


I think I'm not meant to be rotting in this cell just like the warrior in you is not meant to be planting kale and kissing boo-boos.


I'd die for you... and I would have died for Carl, you know that. But you gotta hear me, you're chasing something for him that ain't meant to be, man. You just got to let him go. Let him go.


Daryl: Man, you got that guy sitting in a cell like a damn symbol! To all them assholes who can't wait to see things go back tot he way that they were!
Rick: Keeping him alive is how we make sure it won't!
Daryl: No, keeping him alive gives them hope that it will.

Rick: You know what keeping Negan alive means for us.
Daryl: I know what killing him means for her.

Even if everyone isn't all in yet, they'll get there. Just like we did.


It's time to see Negan.


For a long time I wanted it too, maybe more than anyone.But killing each other when the world already belongs to the dead? It's not the way. Not anymore.


Rick: Thank you.
Michonne: For what?
Rick: For everything you've done. For everything you're doing. For you.

Jed: Why not just take me out?
Carol: Cause every life counts.

The Walking Dead Season 9 Quotes

Rick: We're not together because things have changed.
Daryl: Thing is you changed them, Rick.

That small group we had back in the beginning, could do anything.
