Wheeeere aaaare theeeey?


Jed: You'll never see us again.
Carol: I know.

Negan: Wait a minute where you goin'? I thought you wanted my help.
Judith: I do, but just for math.
Negan: Why just math?
Judith: Because it doesn't matter if you're a good or bad person on this inside. The numbers don't care.

Judith: And what about after that? You ever bring home another dog?
Negan: Well, hell no I wised my ass up!
Judith: Yeah, and look how great everything turned out for you.

Around all this darkness, there are flashes of life. Tiny beacons that shine out, calling to us.


Come on, kill me!


It's not over. We don't die.


I found them.


Rick: It feels like it's ending.
Sasha: Little things do end. But it's never the end of everything. Because we don't die. It's not about you, or me, or any one of us. It's about all of us.

Rick: I'm tired, Hershel. My family... maybe I can find them here.
Hershel: No rick, you have to wake up.

I came to kill Negan. And you're already worse than dead. That settles it.


Michonne: Do you think Glenn would want this? Go through me to get to him?
Maggie: I don't know what he'd want. Because I never got a chance to say goodbye.

The Walking Dead Season 9 Quotes

Rick: We're not together because things have changed.
Daryl: Thing is you changed them, Rick.

That small group we had back in the beginning, could do anything.
