You're alive. What a lovely surprise.

Dean Fogg

I think I like her. I hope I like her.


I understand why you're afraid. You don't want to lose yourself. But hear me on this. Martyring yourself to your pain isn't all it's advertised to be. It'll destroy you. There's no glory in that. You might get Reynard, yes, But he'll still win.

The Beast

Alice: I know it may sound stupid, but that's what I'm mad at you for...not the cheating part. The part where what you did made me lose you. You're a big part of my life, Quentin.
Quentin: You could never lose me, Alice. I mean you could avoid me and you can hate me.
Alice: I don't hate you.
Quentin: Well you can't lose me. Sorry.

Royalty, bitches!


Eliot: So I guess we just put them on.
Quentin: No, God, stop! I mean...I just...we should do a ceremony. This is only going to happen once. We are becoming kings and queens.'s important and we should honor it.

I'm the High King of Fillory. I took a blood test.


The Beast: Brilliant. That laptop. The things they come up with when they don't have magic.
Julia: Yeah, like accounts that tweet police scanner activity.
The Beast: Tweet? Birds have computer accounts?
Julia: Don't worry about it.

Eliot: There are four kings and queens.
Quentin: Yeah, you get to pick the other three. Do I get to be a king?
Eliot: Unless you want me to pick Penny.

Eliot: I vote that we don't touch it on the grounds that exploding Fillory wouldn't help.
Quentin: Okay. We need a new plan.
Margo: What plan? The Beast is gone. Our squad is a joke. What plan, exactly?
Eliot: We'll figure it out. We always do.
Margo: When it's a test to cheat on. Not when we're stuck in some epic fantasy that likes to behead heroes halfway through season one. If we even are heroes. We might be comic relief.

The Magicians Season 2 Quotes

I think I like her. I hope I like her.


Eliot: I vote that we don't touch it on the grounds that exploding Fillory wouldn't help.
Quentin: Okay. We need a new plan.
Margo: What plan? The Beast is gone. Our squad is a joke. What plan, exactly?
Eliot: We'll figure it out. We always do.
Margo: When it's a test to cheat on. Not when we're stuck in some epic fantasy that likes to behead heroes halfway through season one. If we even are heroes. We might be comic relief.