Honey, the people that we love, they're only gone when we stop carrying them with us. How you choose to carry Nash is up to you.


Kamilla, we have been through our fair share of danger. So, no matter what dimension we're in, no matter what kind of villain we face, there is nothing that can stop us as long as we stick together.


Joe: Bare, I know what you're doing. Don't. Don't blame yourself.
Barry: But what you just said. Ramsey infecting me. Eva using a copy of Iris to manipulate my emotions. Lately, it feels like my heart is my enemies' greatest weapon.
Joe: Have faith, son. We will get Iris back. I feel that in my heart.

Those Wells', they took some getting used to, didn't they? If we learned anything from them, it was that our greatest weapon against darkness isn't our superpowers. It's our humanity. And our love for each other.


He was the most brilliant mind I ever met. They all were. Whatever the problem, you could count on a Wells, a council of them, to have the answers. Now, they're all gone. We gotta find the answers ourselves.


For the Flash to run again, Nash Wells must die.


Barry: They were all in my mind. I could feel their spirits. I could feel how much they loved me. They gave themselves up for me. How am I supposed to live with that?
Chester: Uh, I think that's the point. You know, they put themselves in the ASF so that you could live. And thrive.
Allegra: And now, whenever you run, it'll kind of be like they're running with you.

Barry: Nash, please, I can't let anyone else die for me. I've already lost so many people.
Nash: Do you know what I feel right now? Pride. Honor. And it's been so long since I felt those things. And it's not just me, the council feels it, too. And we've made a decision, we're doing this, Allen. Is it charging?
Chester: Uh, yeah, the fusion sphere is charging.
Barry: How can I be the Flash without a Wells on this team?
Nash: You've always been the Flash. You always will be, with or without me.

Barry: Do you hear the drums? They are coming! It is I, Wells the Gray.
Nash: Oh, Wells the Gray.
Chester: There's a wizard Wells?
Allegra: Ugh, this is all my fault.
Chester: Oh my god, do you know Gandalf?

Eva: Why do you keep interrupting my mission, Flash? I told you, we're on the same side.
Barry: If we're on the same side, then give me back my wife!

The Flash Season 7 Quotes

For the Flash to run again, Nash Wells must die.


Eva: Why do you keep interrupting my mission, Flash? I told you, we're on the same side.
Barry: If we're on the same side, then give me back my wife!