Chester: Do you do this kind of thing a lot for him?
Quincy: Everything I do is for him. He's the reason I get out of bed in the morning.
Chester: But don't you ever resent having to work so hard 24/7?
Quincy: I'm the boy's father. And Chester's worth any sacrifice I have to make. Besides, when it comes to him, I don't believe in quitting.
Chester: So you don't care about your work more than your son? You care about your work because of him.
Quincy: I'm just a man trying to do the right thing. Make my son proud.

Speed Force: I never took into account how much his mother's death might still weigh on him. What have I done? I'll change my appearance. Appear in my true form to all of you from now on as lightning because I can't keep hurting him like this.
Iris: You're not causing him pain. You're giving him a gift.
Speed Force: How?
Iris: It's like how his blanket reminds him of his mom. And that memory gives him comfort and peace, it's the same thing with you.
Speed Force: So, I'm not a painful reminder?
Iris: No, not at all. You are a happy one. I may be his lightning rod, but you are his lightning.
Speed Force: Thank you.

Cisco: I think we just time-traveled.
Chester: Really? So, tonight we're gonna party like it's 1998?

Cisco and Chester: Team Chesco's on the case!
Cisco: Let's get it!
Iris: Separated at birth.

Iris: Do you remember what happened?
Speed Force: Only some of it. When I was reborn, I was surrounded by light and love. Then came the pain. I could feel these Forces of Nature were like me, only evil.

Caitlin: You think you're the only one who gets scared sometimes? Ever since we separated, there's been this deafening silence inside my head, where you used to be. And it terrifies me. It's why I've been so desperate to put us back together. Why I got so upset when you broke the Matrix. It's cause my biggest fear in life is living without you.
Frost: Mine too.

Frost: It's not so bad being separate. For Caity, I mean, you know. She can finally watch "This Is Us" without me screaming "Turn it off!" in her head.
Cisco: Frost, what have I said about disparaging "This Is Us?"
Frost: They're so weepy.
Cisco: That cast is too precious for this world.

Look, we've faced big threats before. Crisis, Savitar, Thawne. We beat them all. If Fuerza did do this, she should be afraid of us.


Where are we with Fuerza? Fuerza. Spanish, for strength. Look, She-Hulk was taken, okay?


Cecile: The danger, it was so real. It was so real.
Joe: I'm sure it was, babe, but nightmares can't hurt you.

Crisis destroyed countless lives. And, yes, some of us survived, and that's not fair. Now we have to carry on for those who didn't. I lost someone too. He was like a brother to me. And ever since, I've tried to honor his sacrifice.


Something terrible happened to you, not because of you.


The Flash Season 7 Quotes

For the Flash to run again, Nash Wells must die.


Eva: Why do you keep interrupting my mission, Flash? I told you, we're on the same side.
Barry: If we're on the same side, then give me back my wife!