Who taught him how to be a man, Barry? Him! I can't even say his name. What have I done?


Captain Cold: Sorry, I'm not interested in being a hero.
Barry: You're doing a lousy job of being a villain this week.
Captain Cold: Merry Christmas, Barry.

Cocoa isn't cocoa without the mini marshmallows, and you're out. I checked.

Captain Cold

Barry: So the last time Mardon attacked, he generated a tidal wave that destroyed all of Central City.
Harry: So why are you not all sleeping with the fishes?
Cisco: Earth 2 has The Godfather?
Harry: Every Earth has The Godfather, Vito.

Jay: Barry's not the only person here I want to keep safe.
Cisco: Oh dear Lord. Just kiss already! Oh, the thirst is real.

Iris: I know I was so mad and you and my dad for not telling me that you were The Flash, but when I found out about this, I didn't know what to do.
Barry: What? What's going on?
Iris: When Francine came back, my dad told me not to trust her, and he was right. I didn't know how much. When my mother left us, she was pregnant. She had a son. Joe's son, my brother.
Barry: What's his name?
Iris: Wally. Wally West.

Felicity: Felicity, the magnetic arrow gag will never work. Ha. Yes, it will my love, because I am really smart. And guess what, Oliver, it DID work!
Oliver: Felicity, honey, it's a little hard to fight with you doing that in my ear.
Felicity: Oh, I totally forgot that this was an open line. Keep doing what you're doing. Make smart decisions.

Security Guard: Who taught you that, Houdini?
Vandal Savage: Actually, I taught him.

Since when did our lives suddenly become an Indiana Jones movie?


Barry: Didn't you tell me that guys like us don't get the girl?
Oliver: Yep. I was wrong.

I wonder what Oliver's doppelganger would look like; bald, potbellied...agreeable.


Barry: Wow! Nice new digs. [looks at Oliver] Also, I just noticed. No sleeves. Don't you get...cold?
Oliver: I spent the better part of five years on an island in the North China Sea. Don't get cold, Barry.

The Flash Season 2 Quotes

Iris: People just want to thank man who saved Central City.
Barry: Well they can't, because that's not me. You should know that better than anyone.

Iris: Yeah, but he should go. Someone should try to get through to him.
Joe: Maybe his best friend?
Cisco: Joe, believe me. I have tried!
Joe: I meant her.