Diggle: This half shark is very much alive and his biological imperative is telling him to do one that. That's kill you, Barry.
Cisco: We're gonna need a bigger Flash...

This could be the beginning of Caitlin becoming evil. Aren't you worried about that?


You may not have been struck by lightning over here like I was, but today you risked you life for someone else. That's a hero, Barry.


E-2 Barry: I'm gonna have to find this guy and give him a piece of my mind.
Harry: Oh, don't give him too much.

Now, if I can do the impossible today, so can you. I'm just Barry Allen. You're The Flash.

E-2 Barry

Cisco: Ronnie? Is Martin Stein in there?
Ronnie: Oh, I haven't let him out in years. Doesn't talk much anymore.

Barry: Joe. Hey!
Joseph: It's Joseph, Bartholomew.

Holy 2001. I feel like I just opened my third eye.


Cisco: I got no spit.
Harry: Jaws.
Cisco: I'm not just quoting Jaws. I mean, my mouth is really dry right now.

Is anybody else feeling panic right now? I chickened out of bungee jumping when I was 18, but this is categorically a lot scarier.


Cisco: Who's the best hacker in the world, people?!
Barry/Caitlin: Felicity Smoak.
Cisco: What is wrong with you two? That's not friendship.

When a hitman is scared, you know something is wrong.


The Flash Season 2 Quotes

Iris: People just want to thank man who saved Central City.
Barry: Well they can't, because that's not me. You should know that better than anyone.

Iris: Yeah, but he should go. Someone should try to get through to him.
Joe: Maybe his best friend?
Cisco: Joe, believe me. I have tried!
Joe: I meant her.