Darlene: Why is he outside?
Becky: He's watching TV.

Oh, good my 11-year old approaching strangers at the mall why don't we double down and just have you hitchhike there.


Mark: We're learning about democracy.
Jackie: Oh, it's a class in ancient history.

Jackie: So since your mom used to handle the holidays I thought we should talk about a game plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Darlene: Oh, I say we follow the Conner tradition and spend every dollar we have on Halloween and we have nothing to be thankful for or buy Christmas presents with.

I will do my best not to kill you.


Apparently I'm not rude in an entertaining way.


No, it's cultural appreciation. He loves Frida Kahlo.


I'm poor. Back when poor was funny.


Jackie: Amazing. I could listen to this man talk for hours.
Peter: And I would let you.

Dan: You didn't get a job insulting people?
Darlene: I was overqualified.

Gary: I'm not sure people are gonna enjoy that.
Darlene: Oh. Am I missing something? I thought I was pretty rude.
Gary: Well, you see, there's rude and then there's McNasty's fun rude. You know, everything all in fun.

Chinese kids are building robots and our kids are confused by what cows do.


The Conners Season 1 Quotes

Mark: It's been three weeks since Grannie Rosie's funeral, why are people still giving us casseroles?
Harris: And why do people bring casseroles when somebody dies?

Jackie: What was this, tuna casserole or potato salad?
Darlene: It doesn't matter. It's just stuff and mayonnaise.