There's never been a fixed paradigm for how we operate, Harold. What the task force was on its first day was different than what it was on its second. Or third or tenth. And different from what it is today. All I can say is... the danger that Marvin Gerard unleashed, it's done. Criminals are dead. My connection to the FBI has been erased. As we've changed course many times before, we're changing course again.


I'm not saying he's innocent. I'm just unconvinced of his guilt.


Harold: We hunted Wujing for months, at a steep cost to the U.S. government. We put people's lives on the line. And the FBI has nothing to show for it, save for a few minor arrests.
Raymond: Uh-huh.
Harold: We are not a hit squad! Wujing, Zhang Wei, Alban Veseli, all dead. Perillos is gone, I assume dead. Bo Chang is in the wind.
Raymond: Right.
Harold: This won't end here. An official investigation hasn't come down from Main Justice yet, but when it does, how do I explain to them why this task force should continue to exist?

Ressler: I'm sorry, but w-we're gonna hunt down the local kingpin of prison contraband because what, he injured one of Reddington's cronies? What about the people that Reddington killed in this very room just last week?
Harold: Reddington's actions with respect to Wujing were frustrating, I know. They will be dealt with in due time.
Siya: Look, I'm not losing sleep over the loss of evil men, but Reddington told us a pack of lies. Why should we believe him that the Postman is even worthy of our attention?

You, of all people, know that what you think you see is rarely the full picture. I hope you're hearing me, Chang.


No dice. He's still talking tough. Seems like he knows something that we don't.


Raymond: You know this, Dembe. What wins wars.
Dembe: Anticipation.

Harold: You went too far this time, Raymond.
Raymond: Perhaps.
Harold: Not, perhaps. We are not just the Reddington Task Force. We are the FBI!

Harold: You've finally done it. Turned it all down.
Raymond: You're angry, Harold. Take some time to figure out if we can continue. I'll do the same.

With all our case files and questionable tactics.


But the next World War... it's gonna be a cyber war. And this nation needs to do what it takes to defend itself against the global conflict to come. That was the whole idea behind HexRoot.


Dembe: But your mother was very guarded. She kept a lot of things to herself.
Siya: You mean, what, like secrets?
Dembe: Raymond would know better than I do. He did his own vetting when Diane Fowler put your mother on the task force all those years ago. I don't know the details, but I always got the impression that he knew something about everyone's past.

The Blacklist Season 10 Quotes

Ressler: The body we recovered from the Chinese Consulate is Jennifer Morris
Harlod: Morris. How do I know that name?
Dembe: Jennifer Morris was once on the blacklist. She was part of a heist crew that specialized in robbing criminals.

Apparently, Raymond's back. And probably connected to an explosion that happened minutes ago in a townhouse on the Upper East Side.
