When I started on this task force, the first thing Agent Ressler warned me was not to get in debt to Reddington. It feels like a slippery slope I'm not sure I want to start sliding down.


Maybe what matters most, Siya, is what you already know. That you were loved and cared for by Meera and your stepfather. Un-redacting the past won't change any of that.


Harold: Did Pinky say where he might be going?
Agnes: He seemed different. But maybe not different. But Morriseau.
Harlod: How's that?
Agnes: I don't know. It's like he's searching for something but can't see it. And when he stops it comes to him. It's like he's looking for something that's already there. It's either in front of him or behind him.
Harold: And what do you suppose it is?
Agnes: Life or death, I guess. Isn't that what it usually is? Like Charlotte's Web.

I might not like it, but there is nothing we can do to make Reddington do what we want.


Most AUSAs take a little while to get their feet underneath them. Not Arthur. Political corruption cases can be a nightmare for prosecutors. They're Hudson's bread and butter. Built his whole congressional campaign on it.


Agnes: How come you sold all your houses
Raymond: Recently, I found myself letting go more and more so that I can better hold on to what I want and still be light on my feet.

How come you always come over here, and I never go to your house?


Executing a man inside a federal facility. It's gonna spell the end of us, Harold. Reddington's days of going unchecked are over.


Dembe: How do we explain our presence here?
Ressler: Lie.

  • Permalink: Lie.
  • Added:

I don't understand Raymond's play here. He's left himself completely unprotected from prosecution by the US government.


Ressler: What happens tomorrow when Panabaker turns us over to the DOJ? I mean, we're the ones who are gonna take the full blame for Wujing's murder.
Harlod: Panabaker will do what she does. If we have to face Main Justice, we'll mount the best defense possible, but we can't do anything until we locate our asset, who's becoming more erratic by the hour.

Siya: I made it through the case files. As expected, Reddington used the HexRoot program to scrub himself. Any references to him or the intel he provided from the records are missing or redacted.
Harold: What about his immunity agreement?
Siya: Gone.
Ressler: It's like he was never part of this team.

The Blacklist Season 10 Quotes

Ressler: The body we recovered from the Chinese Consulate is Jennifer Morris
Harlod: Morris. How do I know that name?
Dembe: Jennifer Morris was once on the blacklist. She was part of a heist crew that specialized in robbing criminals.

Apparently, Raymond's back. And probably connected to an explosion that happened minutes ago in a townhouse on the Upper East Side.
