Justin: Who's Neil?
Monica: The Devil Incarnate.

Nick, great news, TV Guide, a publication that nobody reads but everybody sees in at the grocery store, is considering us for their cover.


Dating apps are wild. They're like these video games where you win self-esteem.


Wayne: I thought that you said drugs were the problem?
Neil: Cocaine is not a drug just a little dessert that tastes like gasoline.

Simon: Ridiculous swan coming through.
Justin: Dude, can we just talk about this?
Simon: Sure, let's talk. Let's talk about how you need to check your femme phobia.
Justin: OK, so I am a homophobe, I'm a closet case, and a femme phone? You want to throw anything else at me?
Simon: No, that about covers it.
Justin: Fine, yes I judged your tutu, but does that make me a bigot?
Simon: I have been called ridiculous my entire life, but for that to come from another gay man and someone that I respect, that sucks.
Justin: What did I do to you? What is your problem with me?
Justin: My God, no. I suck. It's me, I'm sorry. I don't have any problem with you. I like you. It was the first day, and I'm working through this stuff. I shouldn't have said that stuff about you, and I didn't realize how loaded it was. Hey, please don't hate me.
Simon: I don't hate you. That was a good apology, and look, I'm sorry that I called you a closet case that's not okay.

Henri: I just don't like it when you bag on mom. The divorce was hard on everybody. Not just you.
Nick: I know. Hey, Hen, Hey, look at me. I know it wasn't easy. I know that. It's just that if we're talking about our feelings, it's important that you love me better.
Hen: You're really immature.

Raven: What if him leaving is actually a gift?
Julia: I'm not going to be therapized by a booty dancer who is trained to spin around on a pole with grease and God knows what.
Raven: Bitch I am done with you bringing --
Julia: Don't you call me a bitch!
Raven: For your information, I trained in ballet.
Julia: You trained in ballet?!
Raven: I did, me, for a while. Classical dance was my first love. But I wasn't the best at it, and ultimately I gave it up because I needed the money, and stripping pays the bills.

Henri: Talk to me, dad. What are you so afraid of?
Nick: What am I so afraid of? I'm afraid that we'll drift apart and that next, you'll be in high school and then you graduate and then we'll only talk on Father's Day, and that's all because you went to England for six months when you were 13. That's what "m so afraid of. You mean more to me than anything, Hen.
Henri: I'll be back for Swan Lake. I won't miss it for anything.

I knew it was stupid, but it felt so good to dance. They operated on my knee, Wayne, the doctors said that I may not be able to walk or dance the same way again.


Henri: See the pretty lady, she's hiding something.
Nick: Good eye, kid.
Henri: What are you going to do?
Nick: That's simple. We tell her secret to the man she loves.

The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Nick, great news, TV Guide, a publication that nobody reads but everybody sees in at the grocery store, is considering us for their cover.


Justin: Who's Neil?
Monica: The Devil Incarnate.