The barbarian's cannons...they're unlike anything I've seen. Enough to shrivel Christian balls.


Well, I suppose we both have our masters to serve, don't we?


You, sir, are a silly little man! And your hair looks like the tail of a pony!


When will you understand? You are playing a game of friends and enemies, when you have only yourself in this life.


Lady Mariko: As a hostage, he learned one truth: that enemies are everywhere and friends nowhere. To show your true heart is to risk your life.

You've decided to take my life, fine. Let's be done.


I think you should abandon this war. You are outnumbered. There is no hope for you.


I am an enemy in your country, but I assure you my queen is wise, and thoughtful, and would want to be your ally.


If you had this barbarian and a vassal to control him, things might be different.


The man who stands at the greatest height is the loneliest man in the realm.


What sort of man wields power in a place like this? The one who schemes in the open, or the one you never see?


I don't care what kind of savage, whore, bitch turd you are. Where I come from, we don't leave a man behind.
