Death is the end of having lived. It is an affirmation of life itself.


Where I come from, prostitutes are neither this well presented, nor as inquisitive.


Mariko: A man may go to war for many reasons: conquest, pride, power. But a woman is simply at war.

The stench of death, arrows sticking in the walls. Villagers are starting to whisper there's a tatarigami in your house.


If the Anjin asks for more sake, tell him that was the last of it. And pour that stew into the sea.


Bad enough my wife must live under a roof with the Anjin. But now, I am to do the same.


You so easily fell for their trap. Broken to another man's fist. Like a falcon without the beauty.


If you cheat, cheat death. If you steal, steal the heart of a woman. If you lie, lie in the everlasting warmth of her bosom. And if you drink, drink with me.


The barbarian is hatamoto now.


We grieve those we have lost by continuing their fight.

Lady Mariko

Many years ago, a great injustice stole everything from me.


I can't be consort to a man without swords.
