Quinn: Why aren't you calling the White House?
Jake: If I call the White House they'll kill Olivia. They can't go get her.
Quinn: Then...it's the three of us? We bust in there and take on god knows how many armed mercenaries ourselves? All right. I'm down.

Ian: You're saying I should sell you?
Olivia: I'm saying we should sell me. I know the market, how it operates, who the players are, how to pull their strings. This is my wheelhouse. If anyone can pull their strings, it's me.
Ian: So I get rich and you get, what?
Olivia: I get to not spend the next three years counting down the days until the President leaves office and you put a bullet in my head. You get rich and I get to take my chances on the open market. Plus, you'd have to make me look presentable to get top dollar and I could really use a shower and a change of clothes. Think about it, Ian, it's win-win. But then again, the question isn't what I want. It's what you want. Do you want to be a babysitter or do you want to be a boss? It's up to you.

Olivia: What do you want?
Ian: What do I want?
Olivia: It's the first question I ask my clients. Typically I know the answer but I need them to arrive at it themselves.
Ian: And if I were one of your clients, what do you think I'd say?
Olivia: You'd say you want power, but I think that's a lie.
Ian: And why would that be?
Olivia: Because you're sitting on one of the most valuable assets in the world and not using it.

Fitz: You're never going to let her go, are you?
Andrew: Honestly? That depends entirely on you.

Fitz: In 24 hours I'm going to kill Olivia Pope.
Mellie: What?
Fitz: Andrew has her, somewhere. I don't know where. But if I don't send troops to West Angola, she'll be killed. It's a coup. Your boyfriend has orchestrated a bonafide American coup. And what kind of President would I be, what kind of monument, if I indulged in this war, if I sent thousands of people to their deaths to save the life of one person, no matter whot hat person is to me. I can't do that. Right? Our son died so I could stay in office, so I can't dishonor him now by giving in, negotiating with terrorists, even if it means Liv dies. I can't do it, right?
Mellie: I thought you loved her. Don't tell me we've been through all this for a cheap screw.
Fitz: I love her.
Mellie: Then you know what you have to do.

Olivia: It's not going to work. Using me as bait. He won't do it. Go to war. The President doesn't negotiate with terrorists.
Ian: Honestly, I don't care. I get paid either way. But for argument's sake, let's wager. One dollar. I bet you that he will go to war for you. One dollar says he does it. Because President or not he's just a man. A sad, terrified man who's lost his Olivia doll and wants her back. Call me a romantic, but I bet one dollar that he loves you, and that's what makes the world go round. Emotion, sex, jealousy, insecurities.

Tom: The face that launched a thousand ships.
Fitz: What?
Tom: Helen of Troy. Menelaus got her back but it took him 10 years of war. Will you launch a thousand ships to save Ms. Pope?

Jake and Fitz can't help you. There is no man to rescue you. Do you hear me? No one. No one is going to help you. You are the only gladiator in the place. You are all you've got. You have to rescue yourself.


Olivia: Ian I know everything looks really bad right now and you don't know me, but I'm gonna tell you something and I need you to believe me. I'm gonna save us. Ok? Ok. Say it.
Ian: You're going to save us.
Olivia: Yes I'm going to save.
Ian: How?
Olivia: I'm Olivia Pope.

I only negotiate with people who have the power to say yes or no. You don’t have that. You're not in charge. No one in this ambulance is in charge. The guy back at the apartment who had his hand on my mouth, he is in charge. He never said a word, but you all looked at him every time you spoke. You were checking for approval. He was in charge. He says yes or no. So me begging and bargaining here with you is a waste of my breath and you can't kill me unless he says you can. So no I don't have a death wish because he’s not here to be afraid of.


Andrew: So tell me, Mr. President. What's the one thing in the world that you can't live without? The one thing that you'd do everything in your power to get back?
Fitz: What did you do to her? What did you do?
Andrew: Tell me, Mr. President. How you liking that war now?

Jake: Man, do I love you.
Olivia: I want Vermont with Fitz.
Jake: Oh, okay.
Olivia: I also want the sun with you.
Jake: So...
Olivia: I'm not choosing. I'm not choosing Jake. I'm not choosing Fitz. I'm choosing me. I'm choosing Olivia. And right now, Olivia is dancing. Now, you can dance with me or you can get off my dance floor. I'm fine dancing alone.

Scandal Season 4 Quotes

'We'? We're not a team, Liv. You're just Olivia Pope. There is no 'And Associates.' Not anymore.


Do you need to validate your broomstick or can you find your way out on your own?
