Fitz: We have to get Olivia back, not just because I love her, not just because having her out there is a threat to national security. There are soldiers who are never coming home because I tried to get her back. Someone's father, someone's husband. I have killed so many mothers' sons trying to get her back. The flags placed on the coffins where they lay are there because they had the courage to give their lives and I did not have the courage to give Liv's, so she has to come back because their sacrifice damn well has to mean something. They cannot have died for nothing. They cannot have gone to their death for no other reason than I asked them to.
Cyrus: We will get her back. I promise you sir, I will do everything in my power to make sure we get her back.

America can forgive a man a hundred infidelities, but they will never forgive a woman even one. I will be ruined. Finished. Done.


Fitz: The CIA's confident they'll have her home within 24 hours.
Mellie: Whew. We sleep better when she's lying between us.

You son of a bitch. She is my best friend. She's my best friend and she is trapped somewhere and horrible things are happening to her and you are making snide jokes because what? Because you got your feelings hurt because we broke up? Someone kidnapped my best friend. Listen to that sentence, David! Someone kidnapped my best friend. No. Someone kidnapped my only friend. She is my only friend. I don't have friends. I have Liv and something bad has happened to her and I didn't even get a chance to be her gladiator because no one bothered to let me know that she was missing, that she was in trouble, that she needed me. All the times--All the times that she saves me. All the times. I would save her, David. I would go over a cliff for her.


The two of you don't belong here, not with Gus, not trapped in this place with him. You don't deserve what's going to happen to you. What are you, 24, 25? You've got your entire lives ahead of you, the whole world ahead of you, and with your skills, those minds, the potential you havem the chance you have. You did not lie in bed at night dreaming of being kidnappers, human traffickers, terrorists. You didn't dream of life in a Supermax prison, or on the run, or doing whatever the hell Gus tells you to do which is actually the worst option. You dreamed of power, of being successful, of running companies, of building something great. You should be getting wined and dined by venture capitalists, not working with some gun-wielding lunatic. Which one of you do you think he'll shoot first so he only has to split the money two ways instead of three?


Mellie: The irony is he chose you because he thought you would be loyal.
Andrew: Probably the same reason he chose you.

[to Liz] You and I both know you can't attempt to overthrow the American governemnt and then just skedaddle when it all blows up in your face.


Be careful. I'm in shock. Put anything that close to my mouth I might bite it off.


Ian: How much do you think you'll go for? $500 million?
Olivia: $500 million? I'm a little insulted.

Who has money? All I have is student loans! It doesn't matter how many times you reinvent your identity, Sallie Mae will find you.


[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


David: Do you see this hat?
Jake: I don't see a hat.
David: Use your imagination. I'm wearing a ten-gallon white hat. Just for the record.

Scandal Season 4 Quotes

'We'? We're not a team, Liv. You're just Olivia Pope. There is no 'And Associates.' Not anymore.


Do you need to validate your broomstick or can you find your way out on your own?
